The first day, that I visited Anu, she participated in a national competition with her Finnish horse Tahti Tintti "Tiitu" Here they are in action.
I was very intrigued to see the competition and I believe a few years back I would have been thrilled about it all together, however now I quickly became shocked of the roughness of some of the riders and quite insensible use of the crop. I could not comprehend that a horse would ever want to go near a jump again after being whipped next to it following a refusal. These are the scenes of the horse world that I grew up around also and sadly it all used to feel normal. Although never have been a very competitive person myself, I still enjoy taking part in shows, but when winning becomes more important, than the relationship between the horse and the rider I cannot appreciate it.
My friend, Anu however did very well breezing through to the second round and taking seventh place (and, by the way, I did not see her whip her horse.) She is an excellent rider and I used to always look up to her. And although we may see things in a bit different light these days, we still had a wonderful time sharing the same passion for horses we both have had since little girls, when we skipped with stick horses through the pines in our backyard. She has taken that passion to the top of show jumping in Finland. As for me, I have turned a new leaf in my horsemanship, that is vast and full of possibilities.
The second day we had a wonderful ride through the forest and galloped up to the top of "Laajavuori" which in winter operates as a ski mountain. The scenery from the top was breathtaking and the ride on the Finnish horse I got to ride, "Hali" was fantastic! The only bummer was, that I wasn't able to carry a camera and take photos, since it poured rain so hard the whole time, that we were soaked through to our underwear when we got back.
On our last week in Finland my friend Kirsi had also organized a trail ride for us in the town of Kuortane (where I was born) at Polestar stable.
Two hours on horseback through the forests and the beautiful Finnish country side with such a great group of people was an unforgettable experience. there were fife of us all together;Virpi and I, my friend Kirsi and another childhood friend of ours, Mia and also our leader, yet another Kirsi, who, as it turned out was an old class mate of Virpi's from grade school. What an interestingly small world.
Our leader Kirsi on the very right on her own Finnish horse. Virpi is the second from right on "Fyrry," also a Finnish horse as she had wished. My friend Kirsi in the middle on a very warmblooded "Illi." I'm the second one from the left, on a little German riding pony "myy" who despite all the stable owners warnings behaved like a champ and was in fact quite a pleasurable ride. And My friend Mia on the very right on a Finnish horse "Letti."

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