Last year we had planned to ride in the Half Moon Bay 4TH of July parade, until at the last minute Steal became lame with what turned out to be laminitis.
Well, this year we didn't plan on it at all, until very late the night before the 4TH we suddenly decided to just saddle up in the morning and go for it.
And so we did. Although in the morning when we were "just saddling up" we realized, that these sort of events do need a little bit of preparation ahead of time. My western saddle pad, which I hardly use was totally unsuitable in looks; an old, shabby and faded, and I had to cut shims out of a piece of felt before being able to use it. We also had absolutely no patriotic decor, but oh well... we pulled things together and went anyway. And Voi'la, we took home a second place as a team in the working cowgirl category.
It was a long day for us and the horses. Just standing on the street waiting for the parade to start for a whole two ours... blaah. Thank goodness for those Cavallo hoof boots! They did not slip on the pavement and provided complete protection for our horses feet with better shock absorbing action and all.
But it was such fun to participate and see so many of our friends from other ranches in the parade as well with their beautifully dressed horses and a sparkling spirit of red white and blue.
Steal was like and old pro. He has been in the parade for so many times, that he was completely desensitised for the parade crowd, flying flags, clapping and yelling people, loud music... The whole drill. Madeira in the other hand was extremely nervous. But even so, she behaved incredibly well. She was trying so very hard to stay calm. I would say, that my constant training for her to think under pressure has really paid off. And since she was not allowed to move her feet, which she was very respectful of, (so proud of her) her nervousness came out in various displaced behaviours, such as nodding her head, shaking her body and constant urinating.
Here are a few photos , that Irene took of the parade horses.
Nicholas on Trampoline, Virpi on Steal, Stefan on Pensacola, and me on Madeira.
As for me, I could not wait to kick off those boots!
Congradulations on the Red Ribbon Team Kirsi and Great Blog Honey!!
Yours truely,
; )
Hei Hei!! We hope your having FUNg in Finland!!
"Bus" ; )
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