For a few years now I have been dreaming about attending one of the Parelli instructor's clinic In November -09 that dream came true. Dave Ellis, one of only a handful of fife star instructors had a clinic in Gilroy, Ca. Close enough for me to make it possible to go.
I have to say though, that something had to change for me before I could decide to go to this clinic. For a long time I had kept myself in a state of mind, that I would never be able to attend any clinics, with a few good excuses like I didn't have the money to spend or I didn't have a trailer to haul my horse with. A bit of coaxing from a friend was in order. So in a car on the way to our Wilton Play day Joanne boldly told me that I was just holding myself back with all the negative thinking and that I can't just sit still waiting for my dreams to come true, I have to get off my... umm... donkey and make my dreams come true! It was a slap on the face. But one of those "thanks I needed that" moments (can’t thank her enough.)
That night I told Debbie, BASP director to save me a spot at Dave Ellis clinic.
Joanne had even offered to trailer Madeira for me, so she had picked her up a day before the clinic started. Thus Madeira was waiting form me at the Ruiz ranch when I arrived there early Friday morning. It was good, because she had had a bit more time to adjust and seemed fairly calm.
Dave started with introductions at Deb and Craig's courtyard while we enjoyed complimentary coffee and treats. Afterwards we gathered in the arena with our horses at the end of twelve foot lines. We spent the morning going through the first three games on the ground. Dave really empathizing on focus. Pat's lines flowed easily from his lips with a unique Dave twist. He was funny and clever the way he taught quoting both Pat and Linda in the most respectful of ways.
I always wondered if being taught by anyone other than Pat or Linda would be as gratifying and as much fun, but Dave was most definitely the next best thing to Pat.
It's funny how we have been playing these games for quite some time now, applying them to all sorts of obstacles and situations, and Dave took us right back to the basics filling in little holes that we either overlooked, forgot or never "got" before.
I know I have to appreciate how far I have evolved in my horsemanship, but I'm looking at the road ahead, excitedly, and seeing how much more there is in the depths of this program that I can learn. It's a never ending process and though I'm verging on level three I feel like I’ve only just begun.
We had another fabulous lunch at the Ruiz ranch huddled next to the outdoor fireplace and avidly reflecting back on the mornings activity.
In the afternoon we saddled up and after spending time on "pre-flight checks" we mounted with savvy. We played with lateral bends and rein positions. What I learned about myself was that I must really slow down and pay attention to all the little details, because each little step is meaningful for the horse. Madeira was really well responsive. (She was even responding to things I had no idea I had asked.)
Not long after we mounted though the weather turned on us and we were soaked with a cold november rain while our horses wanted nothing more than to turn their hind quarters against the needling wind. Dave called for a break and we ended up keeping from the rain in one of Deb and Craig's garages where Dave carried out a small teaching session. After the rain died down we saddled back up and had an enriching rest of the afternoon practicing transitions.
I was very pleased of the outcome of the day. Madeira earned an extra treat, and after putting the horses up for the night a group of us went out to dinner. I certainly must sound like a broken record by now, but I can't stop empathizing what a great group the Bay area savvy players is. it is just so much fun to “hang” with these savvy people. We all had a great time and even gained a couple of new members who fit right in.
A few of us stayed over night at the ranch. After that full fun filled day I was ready for bed by 8:30 p.m. and slept like a baby through the night.
Saturday morning opened up cold, but sunny and beautiful. I just love waking early in the morning and seeing the horses right outside the window. After making some coffee and goodies ready for breakfast we fed the horses. Dave started again precisely at nine am. He talked briefly during breakfast and then we played ground games through the morning learning about circling game and changing direction to get a desired change out of the horse. Dave had periodically used a student’s horse to demonstrate various things and for the circling game he asked to borrow Madeira. It was exhilarating to watch him play with my horse. And I nearly floated away as he handed her back to me making a comment about what a cool horse she is. (I of course knew that, but hey, Dave said it!)
For the afternoon we saddled up and rode patterns. Again focus was a huge part of reaching the desired result. We learned a pattern at a walk, then practiced it at a trot and finally tried at a canter. That is when my emotions rose up and frustration got the best of me as Madeira became impulsive. What really stuck with me powerfully though, was the fact, that after I gave up in frustration Dave rode over and said: “Pet your horse now.” And I realized that not getting the task done was not the important thing, but the way I would handle the situation. Stopping to pat Madeira when she became right brain fostered our relationship, which should always come before the task. We could practice the task again in a better state of mind, but a dent in a relationship would have taken us straight back to square one.
I’m so very pleased at myself for deciding to take the necessary steps in making this clinic a reality for me. It was just as amazing of an experience as I had dreamed it to be.
The most important thing I learned, was that I really must use more focus. It makes such a huge difference for the horse when the person is focused on exactly what they are asking.
I also must slow down and make myself more clear by paying attention to all the little steps in the process of learning to communicate effectively. It is about so much more than just an effective phase four (which I still need practice on by the way.)
I must put more emphasis on the little steps leading to phase four. “What happens before what happens happens” has to be significant and clearly enough “spoken” so phase four becomes less necessary.
Now I also have broken the barrier I kept about not being able to attend clinics. Yes I still have to save like crazy and find a trailer, but no problem is too big to overcome with a savvy attitude. I can’t wait for the next clinic!!

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