I called the Parelli headquarters for a permission to post photos.
The Parelli ranch is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places I have ever been to. You can feel the spirit of God and mother nature all around you as you walk up to the "big top," covered arena overlooking the sloping green pastures, the most beautiful view framed by the often snow caped Rocky mountains. It's fantastic to meet and talk to people that are on the same page with you as far as horsemanship. You see happy faces everywhere, all pulled together by the same invisible strings, the love for our horses, that was so strong it humbled us down to understand, that it was our selfish human point of views, that needed to chance, not the horse.
You could not detect any frustration on the faces of the savvy team playing with their horses, even when things didn't go quite as planned. only the knowing smile of understanding, that things in life hardly ever go exactly as planned, and the knowledge of how to re-adjust and fix the situation. It was a pleasure to watch and learn from all the people there. they have so much savvy and all of their horses seem so happy and peaceful.(above)"Zeus" Pat's new friesian.
(Left)Carol Coppinger (5 star instructor)and her horse Ranger in Spanish walk
"Allure" Linda's beautiful left brain extrovert in action (right)
Linda Parelli in harmony with "Remmer" Walter Zettl, one of the most accomplished masters of classical dressage, whom Linda takes dressage lessons from Says: “My first impression upon arriving at the Parelli ranch was the deep love, understanding and respect Pat and Linda have for their horses." (click the link to read more about Walter.) "I smell gold" Says Pat when Lauren rides transitions from extended to collected trot. Lauren and River are heading for the 2008 paralympics in China. She rides so beautifully, that one could never tell she is paralysed from the waist down.
Soon to be famous Katie Drake entertained us on the breaks. Loved her songs so much I bought the CD and got it autographed by Katie.
Virpi and I with Pat Parelli
Virpi and I with Linda Parelli.
Pat cutting with Magic.
Well, we had amazing time and learned so much more, as always with the Parellis. Pat and Linda are the most wonderful people I have ever met, and they are spreading their spirit around the world.
The clouds from above.
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