Tuesday, June 26, 2007

After watching Steal getting treats on the tire Madeira wanted to try it too and sure enough, it worked. The carrots started pouring in!

We've been taking some nice long walks on the trail. Madeira in her new Caballo sneakers.

She is doing fantastic since her suspensory desmitis 7 months ago. She is now trotting 30min. per day for the third week and this week we started cantering a little. All on the ground of course, but I might be able to hop on her for a slow short ride sometime this summer if all goes well. We have already started weaning back to alfalfa since the pasture release is getting closer. Next weekend we will hopefully let Steal and Madeira loose in the arena with Cruiser and let them play.
Little Layla is coming out more now. We play Parelli games and she LOVES all the attention and affection. Momma has been good and trying her best to keep up with the little bugger, while Willa's Madiera, who is a seasoned mom and very good at her job indeed, stretches her neck over the paddock hollering instructions to Momma Frenchy.

All is well in horseland. Despite our on going injuries, bumps and bruises. Travieso looks the worst I have ever seen, but hopefully will make it since he has such a will to live. (cannot post any photos yet. too graphic.) Something good will come from all of this. With Madeira it is the deepened trust and bonding. Travieso.. well I send him telepathic messages daily and he can barely wait for me to go see him and snuggle him. In a mean while Raul is taking excellent care of all and everything, and we just hang in there with deepest compassion to care for our loved ones.

1 comment:

Addie and John Sullivan said...

The photos came out super. It all looks so beautiful. Nice job. I look forward to keeping up with your adventures in horsemanship.