Baby Turned one year old on the 15
Th of March. She has really matured nicely. Her and I went for a special walk, just the two of us that day, and spent a lot of time hanging out. We have been doing lots of preparation for trimming lately, since the last trimming time with Samuel didn't work out as smoothly as I had hoped. But last weekend I actually trimmed her a little myself and she stood still tied into a post as if she'd done it for years, and let me rasp her little hooves.

Then our trimmer came on Tuesday and I had him trim baby. He was really very impressed with her manners, she was a perfect little girl, and I was so proud of her.
It's really amazing to work with horses. You can perform all sorts of "magic" with just one ingredient:

Momma Came to hang around with some of her pasture buddies, Summer Jupiter and
Snowflake. They wanted their share of the goodies. We have a ton of oranges from a
Friends of ours tree and the horses all LOVE them.

Especially Kim, who can smell them miles away. She enjoys her days feeling better by the day, and she gets so excited to come out for little walks and to graze whenever she hears us coming.
She really is looking much better already, but it is her attitude that has totally flipped around. She is full of life and taking everything out of it.