Madeira turned 11 years old yesterday.We had some friends come over to celebrate her birthday with us. She enjoyed her bran cupcakes with the elaborate toppings, and of course we shared some of the toppings with other horses around.Later after the horses were all "tucked
in" we moved the celebration into Raul's house. Isn't it amazing!? Raul and Madeira share a birthday! We had a delicious dinner and some more cupcakes, with real frosting.Happy birthday Raul and Madeira!
Couple weeks ago on a cold, rainy Saturday I found and other skinny, old horse shivering on front of the stalls, trying to keep from the the wind and rain, that was beating down his back. He looked as if he had given up hope for eating and did not follow the other line horses to the pasture at feeding time. I didn't recognize him at all, but turned out he was Powder, another old friend of mine, a horse I had used for wrangling a long time ago. He too was painfully thin. His ribs, spine and hip bones clearly visible from under almost unnaturally long winter coat.There were no more empty stalls available, so from the ranch manager's suggestion Kim got a roommate for just one night. Kim was skeptical at first, but they had known each other for years and soon figured out, that they both were in the "same boat." Horses are kind of "love the one you are with" type of animals anyway, and by the morning when the guys separated them upon finding another stall for Powder, the two were calling for each other.
I wanted to say THANK YOU to some very kind hearted friends of ours, who gave us a donation for Kim. We are overwhelmed by you kindness and generosity.
Kim thanks you most of all. Although still painfully thin, she has become alive again. She got her hooves trimmed and medicated, we filled her stall with shavings and bought lots of extra food, which we are feeding to Kim, and now also Powder. We are looking into some eye medicine for Kim, her eyes are running badly. But she whinnies out loud when she hears us coming and can't wait for her special treatment. We take her out of the stall to eat some fresh grass and groom her, and she follows our voices even without a lead rope. We did also buy medicated shampoo, but it has not been warm enough for bathing her yet. She is still a very sorry sight, but she is soo happy now, and that is what matters. This is how we want her to live the rest of her days... Happy! So thank you! we really don't know how to thank you enough.

Thank You!!!!